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Centre Liquidation Notice

See below important information for learners regarding centres in liquidation.

Important Information for Learners: Imperial Training Centre

NOCN is aware that one of its approved centres, Imperial Training Centre, based in West Dulwich, London have entered liquidation.
If a learner registered against a NOCN qualification believes they may be affected by this, we would ask them to contact our Regulation and Compliance Team at for support and guidance. Please include your full name, your date of birth, your contact telephone number and the details of the qualification you are registered on to facilitate support arrangements.

Important Information for Learners: PATT Foundation
NOCN is aware that one of its approved centres, PATT Foundation, based in Hull, have entered liquidation.

If a learner registered against a NOCN qualification believes they may be affected by this, we would ask them to contact our Regulation and Compliance Team at for support and guidance. Please include your full name, your date of birth, your contact telephone number and the details of the qualification you are registered on to facilitate support arrangements.