Engineering, building and construction apprenticeships more lucrative than equivalent degrees
Posted 8 May 2024 by Graham Hasting-Evans
Apprenticeships in engineering, building and construction have been found to be more lucrative for learners than university degrees in the same subjects, with higher starting salaries and no student debt.
As an education & skills charity, NOCN Group has been championing vocational routes into successful career pathways for more than 30 years and specialises in sectors including engineering and construction for good reason: they are key to the UK’s productivity and competitiveness globally.
Graham Hasting-Evans, Chief Executive of NOCN Group, says:
“While starting salaries aren’t everything and we need to be looking at career development and success over the long term, it is good to see yet further recognition and evidence of the fact that Apprenticeships are not a low-income alternative to university degrees, but actually now rival them in terms of earnings in areas where the UK most needs skilled people.
“The concept of learning on the job and not being saddled with student debt is a very attractive one for those looking to build a successful career in today’s turbulent economic environment and it makes sense at a macro level economically as well.”
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