Skills to Drive a Productive Society

A Report by NOCN Group and L&W analysing skills and productivity in the UK


BREXIT isn’t our only major challenge – What about our productivity gap?

The UK productivity gap with other comparable nations is around 30%. Unlike other countries our economy has not recovered since the financial crisis, it has virtually flat-lined. If the improvements, pre-crisis had continued the economy would be 25% more productive now than it actually is.

We need to prepare for digital and AI – How will job roles change in the next decade?

Advances in digital and AI will fundamentally change jobs in many sectors. There are predictions that up to 35% of jobs will be affected in the coming decade, and underpinning this are poor levels of literacy and numeracy.

Our report outlines how skills, linked to investment is the key to improving productivity, whilst at the same time addressing the challenges of AI and social mobility.

More is needed to improve skills across all sectors – Where should we focus our efforts?

  • Management skills to enable identifying potential and being confident in pushing forward performance improvements and digital changes;
  • Employability and generic skills, particularly addressing literacy, numeracy, digital and cognitive skills;
  • Technical skills and knowledge, particularly to support the transition to an AI and digital-based economy.


We work in the UK and internationally with employers from micro-businesses to large corporates on productivity improvement, offering a complete learner package. 

View our full range of Productivity Qualifications

Download our Skills to Drive a Productivity Society Report and discover our 23 recommendations to address the UK’s skills and productivity challenges. You can also read the Newstatesman 8-page feature 'Solving the UK's Productivity Puzzle'.