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Level 2

Unit CodeUnit TitleGLHCredit ValueLevelPrice
R/616/5743 Applying Preservation Treatment in the Workplace 53 16 L2 £25.00
R/618/6513 Installing Blown Insulation to Cold Roofs in the Workplace 100 19 L2 £25.00
K/618/6498 Installing Cavity Wall Insulation
in the Workplace
110 20 L2 £25.00
L/618/6509 Installing Insulation to Cold Roofs
in the Workplace
100 19 L2 £25.00
M/618/6499 Installing Insulation to Solid Floors
in the Workplace
110 20 L2 £25.00
F/618/6507 Installing Insulation to Suspended Floors in the Workplace 100 19 L2 £25.00
L/616/5742 Preparing structures for treatment
in the Workplace
43 13 L2 £25.00
Y/616/5744 Reinstating the Structure After Building Treatments in the Workplace 57 17 L2 £25.00
J/618/6508 Spraying Insulation to Suspended Floors in the Workplace 110 20 L2 £25.00


Level 3

Unit CodeUnit TitleGLHCredit ValueLevelPrice
T/618/6522 Applying Surface Finishes to External
Wall Insulation in the Workplace
75 22 L3 £30.00
M/618/6518 Injecting, Blowing and Spraying Insulation
to Internal Walls in the Workplace
110 22 L3 £30.00
H/618/6516 Installing External Wall Insulation in
the Workplace
125 25 L3 £30.00
F/618/6510 Installing Internal Insulation to Walls in the Workplace 110 22 L3 £30.00
H/618/6497 Insulation and Building Treatments,
Building Construction, Defects and Interfaces
100 19 L3 £30.00
R/650/7449 Knowledge and Understanding of Insulation
and Building Treatments
110 11 L3 £30.00
A/650/7450 Apply Surface Finishes to External
Wall Insulation
70 7 L3 £30.00
D/650/7451 Apply Surface Finishes to Internal
Wall Insulation
70 7 L3 £30.00
F/650/7452 Apply Tape and Joint Finishes to Internal
Insulated Walls
70 7 L3 £30.00
H/650/7480 Install External Wall Insulation 70 7 L3 £30.00
J/650/7481 Install Insulation for Framed
Sections of Buildings
70 7 L3 £30.00
K/650/7482 Install Insulation to Park Homes 70 7 L3 £30.00
L/650/7483 Install Internal Wall Insulation 70 7 L3 £30.00
M/650/7484 Install Insulation for Room in Roof 70 7 L3 £30.00
R/650/7485 Install Hybrid Wall Insulation 70 7 L3 £30.00



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