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NOCN Level 3 Diploma in Site Carpentry (Construction)

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Qualification Overview

Qualification Number
Total Qualification Time (TQT)
Award Code
Minimum Age
Level 3
Registration Start Date
Current Tariff

The Level 3 Diploma in Site Carpentry qualification has been developed for achievement in a training environment which means you do not need to be employed to undertake this qualification. This qualification enables you, the learner, to demonstrate and recognise your skills, knowledge and understanding so you can work as a Site Carpenter within the construction industry. This qualification supports the learner to attain enabling, fundamental and transferable practical skills with associated underpinning knowledge. This qualification can be taken as part of an apprenticeship framework, if desired. This qualification sits within the Construction Apprenticeship Framework in England and Wales. This can be taken alongside the following qualifications in contribution towards achievement of a Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Construction Building -Site Carpentry: -Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Wood Occupations For further information about the Construction Apprenticeship Frameworks, please see website: This qualification is supported by the British Woodworking Federation (BWF). The purpose of the qualification is to equip a learner with specialist knowledge and skills, enabling entry into employment or to progress in Site Carpentry within the construction industry. Please note that to meet DfE requirements, learners are permitted two resits only for each multiple choice knowledge test (see the Qualification Assessment & Grading section in the Details tab for further details about the tests). This qualification comprises the following 8 mandatory units; -Health, safety and welfare in construction and associated industries -Carry out first fixing operations -Carry out second fixing operations -Set up and operate cutting and shaping machinery -Analysing technical information, quantities and communication with others -Analysing the construction industry and built environment -Erect complex structural carcassing components -Install and maintain non-structural and structural components.

Qualification Details

Qualification Specification

Min Credits : 123

Description: To achieve this qualification a minimum of 123 credits need to be attained. This comprises the 8 mandatory units.



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