NOCN Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Autism is a qualification designed to provide individuals with foundational knowledge and understanding of autism spectrum disorders. Its purpose is to:
• Promote Understanding: This qualification aims to increase awareness and understanding of autism spectrum disorders, including the characteristics, challenges, and strengths of individuals on the autism spectrum. It helps individuals develop a deeper appreciation of neurodiversity.
• Improve Professional Practice: For individuals working in roles that involve interactions with individuals on the autism spectrum, such as teachers, healthcare professionals, support workers, or social workers, this qualification can serve as professional development. It helps them align their practice with best practices and guidelines for working with individuals with autism.
• Promote Empathy and Acceptance: By increasing awareness and understanding, the qualification contributes to promoting empathy, acceptance, and a more inclusive society for individuals with autism.
Min Credits : 20
Description: The learner must achieve 20 credits from the Mandatory Group.
Min Credits : 20
Description: The learner must achieve 20 credits from the units in this group.
Title | Reference | Credit Value | Level |
Applying Theory to Personal Practice | A/650/8152 | 3 | Level 2 |
Autistic Individuals: Communication, Social Interaction and the Role of the Professional | D/650/8153 | 3 | Level 2 |
Introduction to Autism | F/650/8154 | 4 | Level 2 |
Neuro-Affirming Approaches to Supporting Autistic Individuals | H/650/8155 | 3 | Level 2 |
Promoting Inclusion, Equity and Equality for Autistic Individuals | J/650/8156 | 3 | Level 2 |
Theoretical Perspectives on Autism | K/650/8157 | 4 | Level 2 |
Current Funding | View Funding |
Title | Type | Reference | Date |
Amendment - NOCN Level 2 Autism and Learning Disabilities qualifications | Amendment | B24-12 | 14/2/2024 |