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Operating Plant or Machinery for Non-operational Activities in the Workplace

Level 2
Credit Value
Guided Learning Hours
The aim of this unit is to illustrate the skills, knowledge and understanding required to confirm competence in Operating Plant or Machinery for Non-operational Activities in the Workplace within the relevant sector of industry.

Assessment guidance and/or requirements
This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with the ConstructionSkills‘ Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
This unit must be assessed against two of the following endorsements:
– Hand-operated power tools
– Static machinery
– Pedestrian controlled equipment
– Tracked plant
– Wheeled plant
– Rollers.