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Here is a list of frequently asked questions. If you can't find an answer to your question below, please contact

Q.How much notice do you require in order to carry out an End Point Assessment?

NOCN need a minimum of four weeks’ notice from the point of you submitting the EPA request to the date requested. NOCN will work to ensure that we can fulfil your booking as quickly as possible, but four weeks is the minimum amount of time we need.

Q.What type of advice and support do your EPA Assessors give?

Our assessors are all friendly industry professionals, but they are undertaking the role of an examiner. They will not offer any advice or feedback during the assessments. Think driving test examiner and the role of an End Point Assessor is very similar.

Q.What training or guidance does NOCN provide to invigilators?

NOCN provide an invigilation guide which is available to download from the Useful Information and Resources page within the Help and Support section of the website.

Q.What happens if an apprentice drops out before completing the programme?

NOCN approach to End Point Assessment costing is flexible, based on the delivery model of the Training Provider and employer. NOCN charges a small registration fee at the outset to cover administration and setup, which enables on-going support and training for the Training Provider and employer. You can change the name and details of the apprentice at any point up to the submission at Gateway. You don’t lose the slot if the apprentice is no longer on the programme.

Q.Are there any mock assessments? If so, which sectors are they in?

Our EPA is subject to restrictions, some allow for mock assessments and some do not. NOCN will be happy to provide you with the mock information for each of your cohorts. Please contact us via

Q.Does the training provider have to provide premises/a facility for practical assessment?

This is dependant upon each EPA standard and assessment plan. The training provider would need to arrange for suitable premises or facilities for practical assessment, but four weeks is the minimum amount of time we need.

Q.How long after the EPA has taken place will it take for centres to be informed of the results?

Our Standard Service Level Agreement (SLA) is 7 working days from the final element of the EPA. However, there may be instances where we need to keep the EPA outcome in moderation until NOCN are satisfied the outcomes meet the requirements of the assessment plan and apprenticeship standard.

Q.Where will NOCN send the certificates to?

All certificates are sent directly to the employer of the Apprentice. The Education Skills Funding Agency is the issuing agency for the Apprenticeship certificate, NOCN will issue a results notification to the nominated contact on the apprentice’s record. This result can then be viewed via the Rubric system

Q.How long will it take for my booking to be confirmed?

Booking is confirmed with the End Point Assessor and confirmed with the provider 8 working days from submission.

Q.How long would it take for the apprentice to receive their certificate?

This is sent directly from the ESFA and takes approximately 4-6 weeks.

Q.How long do we have to wait before booking a resit?

This is dependent on the apprenticeship standard; however, the learner may need to go back into learning for a period before a resit can take place.

Q.How do I advise NOCN of a learner that requires a reasonable adjustment?

NOCN require the training provider to confirm any reasonable adjustments when booking apprentices on Rubric. NOCN will make contact should they require any further information. 

Q.Why can't I see our learners on Rubric, but my colleague can?

This will depend on who has been set up with Rubric access, we suggest to Training Providers that they use a generic email address if there are different people accessing Rubric to input apprentices.